She Creates The Best Real Estate Experience Possible While Maintaining The Highest Level of Customer Service & Ethical Standards. Kansas City Real Agent, Cortney Stansbury


Q: Can you share with our audience how long you’ve been in Real Estate and why you chose if for your career path? 
I started my career in Real Estate in 2014. In my previous life I was a retail banker, and I didn’t see myself moving over to the mortgage side of banking. I’ve always wanted a “sales” job that allowed me to get out and meet new people, plus I enjoy helping people achieve their goals. 

Q: How do you help first time buyers come to a decision? 
One thing I share with first time buyers is that I’m right here with you and I will hold your hand through this big purchase in your life. I'm here to guide you and educate you through the process so you can make an educated decision when purchasing your first home. I never want my home buyers to be house poor. I conduct a buyer’s meeting to discover who, what, where, when, and why they would like to purchase their first home as this is extremely important during the purchasing process. 

Q: If we interviewed all your clients ... what is “one” common word that comes up when they describe working with you? 

Q: Can you share with our audience what Buyers & Sellers can expect when they work with you? 
Buyers and Sellers can expect for me to communicate with them on all levels. If something gets a little crazy, I’m going to be straightforward and come with solutions. I carry through on doing what I say I will, and I will always support you...we are truly in this together! 

Q: With Covid-19 there’s a lot of changes going on in the world ... what changes have you seen that you feel will remain in Real Estate? Do you think there will be more changes? 
The biggest change that I’ve seen in Real Estate because of COVID is more virtual meetings rather than belly to belly. I personally prefer to meet my clients face-to-face, it helps me to understand their situation and for them to get a feel for who I am. Zoom has been a lifesaver in this instance because if we can’t meet belly to belly at least we can meet face-to-face. I do believe that there will be more changes due to COVID and I feel like these changes will help me to better serve my clients while keeping us healthy yet confident and comfortable working with me throughout the buying and selling process. 

Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you? 
The first job that I feel like impacted or shaped me the most was right out of high school as a teller at a local bank. I was shy and a little timid at first but after a while I started to break out of my shell and come into more of the person I am today. When I say that, I mean the outgoing person who will literally talk to anyone in the checkout line. I had to talk to clients about their finances and recommend products that fit their needs. This gave me the confidence to move up within the bank industry and again break me out of that shy shell to the talkative person I am today. It also showed me that I am smart, and people trust me, it grew my confidence in more ways that I ever thought it would. 

Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance? 
Maintaining a work life balance has happened over time for me. When I first started in Real Estate, I felt that I could never “relax.” After 6 years, I finally feel like I have a good balance. At times work does come first, however my significant other understands how important my business is to me and us in the long haul. I’m honest with my clients when I am out of town and when I’m taking a day off to spend time with my husband or family. I feel fortunate that my clients, friends, and family are as understanding as I am. 

Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience? 
Don’t take things personally. If your cousin doesn’t hire you for the job there is probably a reason why they are not a good fit for you. Yes, I am in the business of building relationships and some potential clients have a mindset of “It’s just business.” There is enough business for everyone, who I know is not always the same as who you know. Stay in your lane, stay confident and know your worth. If you do all of that you’ll be golden! 

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
I can’t pick just one woman who inspires me, there are so many women who inspire me to be my best. The women who stand out to me the most are both of my grandmothers and my mother. Both of my Grandma’s were single mothers who were determined to support their families. One worked for the purchasing department for the university in their hometown and the other worked at a factory; when it shut down she went back to school to learn some technology skills and is still working in her 70’s because she loves it not because she has to. 

My mother inspires me as well, she started working at a young age and helped take care of her siblings since her mother and adopted father worked full time. She encourages me to be self-sufficient, independent … not rely on someone else's income and to be authentically me at all times. These three women mean the world to me and I cherish what each of them have taught me in life thus far. 

Five Things About Cortney Stansbury 

1. What do you think is the most important life lesson for someone to learn? 
Some people will love you, others will not...those are not your people! 

2. If you could invite five people dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would you choose and why? 
Marilyn Monroe--To me she is the epitome of confidence for so many reasons. Confidence is huge in my book, whether you know something or not your confidence will show through if you believe in yourself. 

Coco Chanel--Another icon as she is a very well-known businesswoman who’s legacy lives on past her life on earth. She even created her signature interlocked--CC monogram. 

Joanna Gaines--One I just love her and the entire brand she has created. I love how she makes her clients feel when she renovates their home, it’s so special and meaningful. She just seems like someone you want in your life. 

Kim Kardashian--She literally has capitalized on her brand being herself. I don’t always agree with everything she does, however I think it’s an accomplishment to go from being a reality stars assistant to surpassing her. Not only did she become uber famous from being her brand. She is smart and determined which encourages others to forge forward no matter if someone tells her she can’t. 

Sara Blakely--Spanx founder that has built a multi-million dollar undergarment company. She makes women feel amazing in their clothing and is a force to be reckoned with. She started her business with minimal money and again has built a multi-million dollar business. Oprah believed in her and drove her business with her compliments, to me having another successful businesswoman compliment me speaks volumes. 

3. It’s your 75th birthday ... where do you see yourself? 
Living on some sort of body of water. I want to wake up every morning, look out of my bedroom window and see a body of water plus the sun shining in my window to warm my skin without a care in the world! 

4. What app can’t you live without? 
Canva--I love marketing and design. Canva is my best friend and it gives me an outlet for my creative side which inspires me to think outside the box in many situations. I use it to create posts for social media, flyers, postcards, and they even have a feature to create your brand colors and logos. It has been a game changer for me over the past 2 years. 

5. Who did you see at your first concert? 
Christina Aguilera was my first concert. She is a performer and I’ve always loved her work. She is strong, independent and encourages women to be confident no matter what. Christina is still one of my favorite artists. She has grown so much from “Genie in the bottle” to now being a coach on The Voice plus acting in Burlesque. I have a lot of respect for her! 


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