Her Clients Satisfaction is The Ultimate Reward For Her Work to Make Home Buying & Selling a Positive Experience. Meet Kansas City Real Estate Agent, Rachel Griffin


Q: Can you share with us what made you decide to have a career in Real Estate? 
RG: I’ve always had a knack for interior design … I guess I’m just naturally good at it!

I came from a pretty big family. The oldest of 7 brothers and sisters. I thought big dreams weren’t really a thing for me.

However, when I met my husband, William, those big dream ideas changed. My husband and brother in law, Derrick, both saw something in me, and they had plans to help launch my career. Unfortunately, Derrick passed away before being able to do that. SO, in his honor, I made myself a promise … to make both of them proud!  

I set off on a journey shortly after his passing.

I decided to use my design knowledge and combine it with real estate sales. 

Within 3 months I had my real estate license and was ready to take on the world.

Low and behold five years later and I’m still in it and loving every second!

Real estate has really opened my eyes to a whole new world of small business ownership! Recently, my family and I decided to take on a new business, audio/video production. We are still very early in our business but are very excited to be able to take on such an opportunity! 

I wouldn’t trade this life for the world! And I KNOW Derrick is watching, cheering us on! 

Q: If we interviewed all your past clients … what is one common word that comes up when they describe working with you?
FUN! And, well, knowledgeable… if we get two words. ;)

Q: Can you share with our audience what Buyers & Sellers can expect when they work with you?
I try to provide my clients with the best experience possible. From the first interaction, to the home commercial, to the SOLD KEY photo, to the closing table. 

Buying and selling can be a trying experience for ANYONE. I want my clients to feel as though they had the smoothest transition possible while navigating these territories. 

I also like to provide my clients with something special!

If you’re a buyer, you get a picture with the great big SOLD key I made by hand a few years ago (pictured in the photo) I made that key with my table saw and jigsaw, then added the chalkboard and SOLD letters for dazzle!

If you’re a seller, I will provide you with a unique video commercial to showcase your home listing. My daughter, Madison, and I brainstorm, script, record and release the commercial on all of our social media platforms for maximum exposure!

Q: How do you help first time buyers come to a decision?
Everyone is different, so I try handling each situation as they come. If a first time home buyer is having trouble making a decision, I attempt to provide them with as many facts as possible. That way they may come to the best informed decision they possibly can. Of course, if a first time home buyer has questions I am always available, night or day!

Q: After you completed your education, where did you feel your career path would take you?  
To be honest, I didn’t think I had a chance. After I first obtained my license, I decided to work at another real estate office. I had no idea what I was doing and had no mentor to help guide me. I felt lost. In fact, I almost gave up about six months into being a Realtor. 

Then, fate intervened! I was picked up by a new team in my new office, RE/MAX Innovations. It was everything I ever needed! And while I eventually went solo, I’ve been with RE/MAX Innovations ever since. They’ve provided me opportunities I could’ve only dreamed of … and for that, I’m extremely thankful!

I certainly didn’t think it would lead to a six figure annual income and I DEFINITELY didn’t think it would lead into a family business!

I make sure to count my blessings every single day!

Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance?
That’s a great question … that I don’t have the answer to. Work/life balance is hard for me because I live the businesses I run! 

My family is a wonderful support system. We help each other. Our motto… It’s only a dream if you don’t take action! 


Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
Be true to yourself. This was a hard lesson to learn actually. When COVID hit, I lost all ambition. My drive, my focus was all gone! I’d see other Realtors succeeding while I was still struggling. It was hard to watch and only made matters worse for me personally. I saw doctors, tried vitamins and medicine, but nothing worked! Only when I opened myself up to a bigger picture did I see the truth. I was hiding behind an untrue me, and it was literally making me sick! 

Then, one day I realized something… I could sit around and mope, or I could be the change! 

That’s when the studio idea really took off! My family was all on board … and we haven’t looked back since!

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
I would have to say my mother in law, Ms. Dawn Griffin. She has done more for me than anyone on this whole PLANET! And for that, I owe her the WORLD!

I’ve seen this woman; struggle, fight for what’s right, stand up for herself and others, and truly persevere!

There is no way I would be where I am today if it weren’t for her! She is my rock! I count my luckily stars every day for having such an amazing woman to look up to! 

Five Things About Rachel Griffin

1. What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
I absolutely LOVE spending time with my 2 children, Andersen, and Madison. They make my world so much brighter!

Madison has taken an interest in my careers and has since joined forces with me to help make Realtor videos for my clients. It’s been a lot of fun! I hope to inspire and mentor her as she transitions into adulthood. 

Andersen has also recently expressed interest in doing fun videos with me! Now the question is … where to go from here?

2. Who is the most fascinating person you’ve ever met?
My husband, William. He’s my rock … and he’s soooo very smart and talented. He plays the guitar like an ANGEL! Some days those sweet melodies he plays are all that get me through!

I can pick his brain for hours! We have talks that would make some people’s heads spin! :)

I can’t imagine life without him!

3. What is the most amazing adventure you’ve ever been on?
I’d have to say our family’s newest business venture, Crooked River Studios. After COVID hit, my family and I saw an opportunity … and we ran with it.

We’ve started from the ground up, which has taught us a lot about small business ownership, especially a family run one. It’s been a whirlwind of an experience so far, and we are just getting started! I can’t WAIT to see what comes from it!

4. Among your friends, what are you best known for?
Being the life of the party. I think I’m pretty well known for being loud, crazy and silly! 

5. Favorite dessert?
Oh man…. I’d have to say my mother in law’s apple crisp. She picks apples from our orchard on our farm then does something magical to them! I’m not sure what, but it’s soooooooo gooooood!!!!


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