She Offers a Wide Range of Legal Experience & Understands The Importance of Reliable Legal Counsel in Assisting Her Clients. Meet Attorney, Mary Lou Martin

95d85987ff7d9638e32f972480ca6071.jpgQ: So, when you graduated from High School, your plan was to become a Dental Hygienist.  What was your interest in Dentistry and what redirected your career path to becoming an Attorney? 
I decided in tenth grade that I was going to become a dental hygienist.  Once I began working as a dental hygienist, I knew that I had to be more challenged in my work.  The practice of law is my fourth career.  I have two (2) associate degrees, bachelor and master degrees in education, and a juris doctorate degree, having graduated law school in 1988.  While I was teaching dental hygiene, I wanted to advance into educational administration.  In order to do so, I needed a step above the men with whom I was competing.  Rather than complete an educational doctorate degree, I changed direction and attended law school.  Having graduated law school, I began practicing civil law and found that I loved helping people resolve legal matters and move forward in their lives.  I have been blessed, working with positive mentors, judges, and clerks throughout my legal career. 

Q: Can you share with our audience, the types of law you specialize in? 
Immigration, estate planning, and probate, including decedent, guardianship, and conservatorship estates. 

Q: What is your approach or philosophy to winning or representing a case? 
I seek the truth.  Without truth, I am unable to represent my clients to the best of my ability. 

Q: If we interviewed all your past clients … what is “one” common word that comes up when they describe working with your law firm?   

Q: Were there moments in your career that were pivotal to getting where you are today? 
Yes, I have a strong work ethic; and I build positive relationships.  I choose wisely when to act, speak, and remain silent.    Being a solo civil practitioner takes hard work, time, energy, resources, and motivation.  Showing up, continuing to move forward, and having an attitude of gratitude has helped me every day. 

Q: Can you share with our audience one of your most memorable cases you’ve been involved in? 
A minor guardianship wherein the father of two (2) children shot the children’s mother, one of the children, and then himself.  I represented the children’s aunt and her husband as petitioners in the minor guardianship.  The case ultimately settled whereby the children were placed with my clients.  Tragic because the children witnessed the shooting.  Joyful because the children were placed with family members and their children.  The children became members of a safe, loving, and supportive family. 

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to pursue a career as an Attorney? 
Examine your heart to be certain that you want to dedicate yourself to your clients, the legal system, judges, clerks, and yes, even opposing counsel.  

Q: What's your advice for women in male-dominated fields? 
Pick and choose your battles.  Be true to yourself! 

Q: Tell us about some of your international travel adventures. 
Traveling to Austria for an international lawyer’s conference was fantastic.  I was one of two women presenters.  As a delegate of People to People International, I spent over two weeks in China, touring and visiting with Chinese lawyers, judges, and prosecutors.  With Rotary International, I traveled to Brisbane, Australia for a Rotary International Conference.  While in Brisbane, I attended a civil jury trial wherein a woman judge was being prosecuted.  Trips to Ireland brought out my Irish heritage.  Before divorces were allowed in Ireland, I met with the Dean of Trinity College in Dublin.  We debated the political viewpoints of divorce.   With Port Huron, Michigan, being my home, I grew up going to and from Canada, so international travel has always been a part of me.    

Five Things About Mary Lou Martin 

1. Who is the most fascinating person you’ve ever met? 
With all due respect to the state and federal judges before whom I practice, I was thrilled to have met John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States, and Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice of the United States. 

2. What would your perfect vacation look like? 
A week at a beach front golf course resort.  Sunny weather, blue sky, and fresh air!! 

3. What are people often surprised to learn about you? 
I love being out-of-doors, fresh air, exercise, and sports!  I am an excellent handgun marksman. 

4. Is there something you’ve tried, but will never do again? 
Hopefully, I have learned from everything that I have done and that has been done to me.  I have learned to say “no” to things that are not in my best interests. 

5. if you could give everyone just one piece of advice, what would it be? 
Remain positive in all things.  Building positive and mutually respectful relationships are so important in creating your best life.  Choose your friends and associates wisely.  Share time with friends who support and encourage you to be your best.  


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