Meet The Owner Of Wardell & Homes Real Estate, LLC. Andrea Buettner-Wardell


Andrea’s long-time professional philosophy – that each of her real estate clients is an investor – has served as her foundation in building a highly successful real estate career and is the purpose behind her launch of Wardell & Homes Real Estate Brokerage in 2018. Though she began her real estate career just as the market crashed in 2008, Andrea persevered by specializing in leasing as markets stabilized, ultimately finding her perfect niche in investment real estate. She was named top agent in Missouri in 2015, 2016 and 2017, selling an average of 125+ properties each year.

Q: Can you tell us what you did prior to going into Real Estate?
I was in the Service Industry … Manager, Bartender, and prior to that worked in Commercial Property Management.

Q: You launched your Real Estate career as the country hunkered down for a recession in 2008. Tell us about your decision to go into real estate at this time.
I had always had an interest in Real Estate, I was working full time therefore continuing my collegiate education was not a viable option, I was approached by my mentor to get in to Real Estate, and given the opportunity to have a career and get out of Service Industry was a solution for my career. 

As I started in Real Estate, I still continued to work multiple jobs to sustain income while getting my career in Real Estate off the ground.

Q: Do you specialize in certain types of properties?
I specialize in Investment Properties.

Q: What do you think are the ingredients that keep you as a top Realtor year after year?

Communication, Relationships, and Hard work.

Q: Were there moments in your career that were pivotal to getting where you are today?
In 2015 I picked up a Hedge Fund Reit client that I have sold over 800 homes to in the KC area.

Q: When you started your own business, in July of 2018, what was your mission at the outset?
Mission was to create a Brokerage where I could mentor and grow extensions of my business by hiring Agents, we started with two people and our company has grown to 20. I had owned a brokerage previously that I sold, I knew that if I had the right people in place, we could continue to serve our clients and create a viable and profitable brokerage.

Q: What is you’re feeling about Philanthropy and helping serve in the Community? 
We are actively involved in a few organizations including Longfellow Neighborhood Association, CASA, Ronald McDonald House, KC Pet project, Children’s’ Mercy, UMKC Dental School, Breast Cancer Walk, Porchfest. We have focused on interests of the Team as well as centrally focused our Philanthropy efforts on organizations in and around our company location.

Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance?
I don’t, it is one thing that I have not mastered, the pressure of having two companies, and ensuring that all is run smoothly is an balance that isn’t equal to personal life, in R.E. you have to act in real time for both the clients, the market, and the staff. Delegating and hiring for the different departments and agents has been helpful in not only providing opportunity for the contractors and staff but creating more free time for myself. Typically, I work 12-18 hours a day M-F and most weekends there is work in some capacity, with having two startups the initial work to put in, is what you get out. I hope that work life balance is something I can achieve at some point, but as of now its full blast in both areas.

Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
Trust your gut, almost always when there is a gut instinct you should trust that no one knows better than yourself.

Real Estate can have many ups and downs, days change at the drop of a hat, you can’t control everything and there is always a solution; nothing is a crisis, tomorrow is a new day.

When I first opened the company, we had a different name, three months in to the business I was tasked with having to rename the company, rebrand, and order all new materials, this was a painful lesson, but ultimately was one that was handled and we persevered. 

Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today?
Having the ability when in a leadership role to be vulnerable, take time for yourself

Both companies being woman owned, it is a fine line of authoritative, and sensitive, finding personal balance or a relationship that understands the priorities and workload is a challenge, this too will be a challenge should I start a family. 

Five Things About Andrea Buettner-Wardell

1. What do you think is the most important life lesson for a person to learn?
What you put into it; you will get out. 

Worrying doesn’t create a solution it only changes the look on your face.

If you don’t know the answer look for it.

If at first you don’t succeed try try again.

2. Are you a big fan of any sports teams?
Yes, KC Chiefs, season ticket holder Go CHIEFS!

3. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
I have participated and succeeded in three hot pepper eating contests, I have jumped off a building in Las Vegas. 

4. Coffee or Tea?
Coffee, almond milk, and cinnamon

5. Do you have a bucket list? Can you share two items with us?
To start a family

To continue to travel the world 


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